Basics of the Bible
“... you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...” --2
Timothy 3:15-16.
The aim of tonight is to learn the basics of our Bible so we are able to grow in our
relationship with Christ. We will look at three topics: how the Bible came to us, the
structure of the Bible, and how to study the Bible.
1. How the Bible came to us-- It is important to know where the Bible came from in
order to defend our faith. We find the answer in 2 Timothy 3:16 (above), all scripture is
written by men who were inspired by God. None of the forty authors take credit for the
Bible, all give the glory to God. God specifically chose each one of them to tell a unique
part of His tale. We have the Bible today because God uses people who desire His will
above their own to deliver His message. The Bible came to us from believers who were
called to tell of His great love, as well as those things that are pleasing and displeasing
to Him.
2 . The structure of the Bible-- The Bible is divided into parts: the old testament, and the
new testament, which is a total of 66 books. Those books are broken into chapters,
and each chapter is divided further into verses. Over forty men wrote the Bible over
a period of 1600 years. It is no accident that the Bible opens with the creation of the
world. The story begins with the beginning of our physical existence and proceeds
gradually to the emergence of our spiritual awareness. The message of the Bible,
simply stated, is that the spiritual is real, and Jesus Christ came to this earth to pay
the price for our sins.
3 . How to study the Bible-- The Bible touches on every aspect of life. Most people find
it difficult to understand the Bible. Following are ten suggestions to help make the
most of your Bible study:
1) Get a bible of your own!!!
2) Pray before you start any Bible study or reading. Ask God to clear your
mind and to show you things in His word before you begin reading.
3) When you begin your study of your Bible ask the Holy Spirit for help.
4 ) Make a promise to yourself. Get up a little earlier in the morning for your
reading. The deal is: "No Bible, No Breakfast, No Exceptions."
5 ) Set a time and a place aside, It should be the same time everyday. You
may want to read in the mornings, or the afternoons, or evenings which
ever time you are most alert. The important thing is that your spending
time with your Heavenly Father.
6 ) Get rid of all distractions. Turn off the television, Xbox or radio. Try to to
find a quiet place where you have a table to read and take notes. This is
alone time between you and God.
7 ) Always have a pen & paper handy to take notes, if something sticks out
or touches your heart, write it down.
8 ) Use a dictionary if you don’t know what a word means.
9 ) Highlight important stuff or things you really like in your own bible. But
don't do this if it belongs to someone else.
10 ) Last and not least, have a teachable heart.
If you have not ever read the Bible before, the book of John is an excellent
place to start. The Bible is God’s living Word written to His people so that
they might know Him more.
We challenge you to start reading your Bible daily!
Joshua 1:8, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on
it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
Then you will be prosperous and successful.”